"Reading changes your life. Reading unlocks worlds unknown or forgotten, taking travelers around the world and through time." ~ Donalyn Miller, The Book Whisperer

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid      By: Jeff Kinney
Reviewed by D.C.
The #1 series with a new movie coming out, Diary of a Wimpy Kid is now a New York Times bestseller! The book Diary of a Wimpy Kid is about Gregory Heffley. Greg knows how it is to be a kid. To him it’s torture. There’s another thing he can’t stand, middle school. In his very own words “Middle school is the worst idea ever invented.” Greg has a diary. His mom made him buy it. He only went along with it because he thinks that one day he’ll be famous and he won’t have time to answer ANY questions. So for the people that want to know about him, he’ll just give them his journal. Greg has a mom, a dad, a little brother named Manny, and an older brother named Rodrick. In my opinion this series and this book are hilarious! If you’re the person that loves humor than go to your local library and find this book!!!
Do you keep a diary?


Anonymous said...

i have one...... it helps me express my feelingss

Anonymous said...

yay my parents love my book review i want to make MORE!!!!:]:]:]:]:]

Anonymous said...

the review about this book was very good and to the point. Daniela did a very good job. good work.from mom.

Anonymous said...

lolz i wanna read this book nd good job..............